What are the benefits?
Pre-sale shopping. Get the first chance to shop Thursday starting at 5:00 pm. Each volunteer receives 2 shopping passes.
Earn up to 85% of your sales! Consignors receive a higher percentage of items sold. This percentage is higher than most other consignment sales. See the chart below. All shifts are in 2-hour increments, except the Bonus shifts.
And of course, a fun time away from the hum-drum of daily life!
Volunteer Shopping Thursday 5:30 pm
If you want to sign up in the last days before the sale, or during the sale, and the online registration is no longer available, please email us at roundrobinresale@gmail.com.
What will I be doing?
Volunteer duties:
Organize and set up sale: Perfect for someone who loves organization! Hang items, put inventory on the sales floor, organize displays and racks.
Sales Floor Assistant: Help out during the sale. Re-hang fallen items, return unwanted items to the racks, keep the racks and displays organized. Greet customers, help them find what they are looking for.
Cash Register Assistant: Assist at checkouts. Count and bag sold items.
Take-down (Bonus #1): Saturday after the sale, from 4 - 7 pm. Organize unsold items into totes, take down tables, racks and dressing rooms. Load trailer. **This shift requires physical work! Please do not sign up if you are not able to able to do heavy lifting. Due to the nature of this shift, please do not bring young children with you.
Signs (Bonus #2): On Friday morning, place approximately 14 directional yard signs in specified spots throughout Watertown. This should take about 45-60 minutes. On Saturday between 4 and 6 pm, remove the signs and bring to the sale. Removal should take about 30 minutes.
Set up (Bonus #3): Monday morning before the sale, from 9 am to noon. Unload trailer, set up and wash racks and tables, cover tables, put up rack signs and size dividers, set up dressing rooms. **This shift requires physical work! Please do not sign up if you are not able to able to do heavy lifting. Due to the nature of this shift, please do not bring young children with you.
Other questions you may have...
Can I bring my child with me to my shift?
Possibly; it depends on the nature of your shift and the age of your child. Please contact us ahead of time if you may need to bring your child. Our volunteers get involved with their duties which makes it difficult to oversee children. If you cannot leave your children, we may have other volunteer opportunities for you.
Who can volunteer?
Anybody! As long as you're physically able. You do not need to consign to volunteer. If you have a friend you want to volunteer with (or pre-sale shop with), do it together. You can sign up for as many shifts as you wish.
Is hanging my own items part of my volunteer shift?
No. If you are volunteering during the drop off periods, please allow time before or after your shift to hang your own items.
I don't see the shift time I want!
The shift may be filled already, or it may be a time when volunteers aren't needed. If you have specific times that work for you, and there is not a shift available online, you can contact us at roundrobinresale@gmail.com to see if we can accommodate your schedule.